08:30 – 17:30



Haydar Aliyev C.N:34 H6 Bl. 2/7

0 (542) 205 85 35

Sworn Financial Advisory Services

 1- Corporate Income and Income Tax Certification with declarationannexes

Regardless of the total assets or net sales, all taxpayers can have their annual income and corporate tax returns certified along with their annexes by Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants through a Full Certification Agreement. Although it is not legally mandatory to have a Full Certification Agreement, for taxpayers who will undertake such an agreement in 2025, the threshold for full certification has been set for taxpayers with total assets exceeding 57,937,000.00 TL or total net sales exceeding 115,845,000.00 TL for the 2024 fiscal year.

1- Advantages of Entering into a Full Certification (Tax Audit) Agreement:

  • Businesses with a Full Certification Agreement are considered reviewed by the Ministry of Finance. Accordingly, they are not subject to direct inspection unless there is a report or special reason (Law No. 3568/General Communiqué No. 18).
  • Taxpayers with a Full Certification Agreement minimize potential tax-related risks. Before submitting VAT, Advance Tax, and Corporate Tax, all financial transactions are reviewed, providing reasonable assurance.
  • It is recommended for taxpayers of a certain scale in Turkey to receive continuous financial and tax consultancy services under the Full Certification Agreement. Many firms continue their commercial activities by obtaining loans from banks. Therefore, having good financial indicators is crucial for loan applications.
  • Having an impartial and independent Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant involved in decision-making can play an essential role in ensuring the long life time of companies and making safer decisions.
  • Companies with a Full Certification Agreement can determine whether the businesses they transact with, especially new ones, have financial issues through information requests from tax offices. Counter-checks for taxpayers under full certification are conducted by Sworn-in Certified Public Accountants in the form of providing information.
  • For companies using E-Invoice, E-Archive, and E-Ledger systems, detailed balance sheet account reviews are conducted, and necessary revisions are made before sending the e ledger certificate (generally by the end of the 3rd month following the reporting period).
  • All elements that may benefit the taxpayer in terms of tax advantages are evaluated, timely notifications of continuous tax regulation changes are provided, and necessary precautions are taken.
  • Generally, taxpayers with a Full Certification Agreement can receive VAT refunds in cash without any limitations through the Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant’s Certification Report.
  • When Income and Corporate Tax taxpayers decide to enter into a Full Certification Agreement, an agreement must be signed between the taxpayer and the Sworn-in Certified Public Accountant in January of each year and submitted electronically to the Revenue Administration’s website by the end of February.

2- Audits to be Conducted Under Full Certification:

When a full certification agreement is signed in January 2025, our expert and experienced team will conduct monthly (12 periods), quarterly (3 periods), and annual (January-April of the following year) audits. The following operations will generally be carried out during these audits:

  • Evaluation of all income and expenses of the company for compliance with tax legislation, identification of fully deductible, partially deductible, or non-deductible expenses, and consideration of all potential advantages under tax legislation.
  • Analysis of inflation accounting, financing expense limitation, depreciation processes, and other specific transactions for compliance with tax legislation, and planning tax to spread expenses and income across the relevant year, as well as taking measures to avoid tax payment due to inflation accounting.
  • Reviewing stock and cost allocation of produced/sold goods or services for compliance with tax legislation, and considering all elements that may benefit the company while determining the cost of sold goods, commercial items, and services.
  • Examining foreign exchange and loan transactions for compliance with tax legislation, taking into account all elements in tax legislation while calculating deductions such as interest and exchange rate differences, and evaluating precautions to avoid financing expense limitations caused by foreign resources exceeding equity.
  • Reviewing transactions with related parties for companies, particularly manufacturing and exporting firms, under transfer pricing for compliance with tax legislation, and assessing transactions posing risks under tax legislation when making tax optimization among group companies.
  • Analyzing the applicability of exemption and deduction items in tax laws (such as R&D deductions, reduced corporate tax practises) for the company and verifying the accuracy of related calculations to evaluate eligibility for tax advantages.
  • Reviewing invoices issued by foreign companies or invoices issued for goods or services abroad under VAT exemption, reverse charge VAT, and withholding tax practises.
  • Controlling blance sheet items based on ,monthly trial balances before e-ledger (journal and general ledger) submission, detecting and revising risky accounts.
  • Risky matters identified during monthly audits are reviewed and necessary revisions made using the auditing program employed by our firm, ensuring readiness for inspections to can be performed by artificial intelligence-based program that the Ministry of Finance’s Risk Assessment Center has.
  • Continuous consultancy services are provided under full certification to assess the financial impact of future decisions or services to be undertaken by the company.
  • Verifying and confirming the annual corporate tax base and preparing the full certification report for the 2025 fiscal period corporate tax, to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance by the end of June 2026.

2- VAT Certification, Special Consumption Tax Certification and Other Certification Services

Deliveries of goods and services within the scope of full exemption specified in the Value Added Tax Law No. 3065 (Export, Export Registered Delivery, International Transportation, Machine and Equipment Deliveries with Delivery Note) and reduced rate (1% and 10%) related VAT return processes will be made by our firm rapid and meticulously. Other certification services provided by our company;

a- Certification of the payment of the capital and the determination of its increase,
b- Certification in accordance with the IPA Framework Agreement VAT Return,
c- Confirmation report of TUBITAK projects expenditure ,
d- Confirmation report of Development Agencies expenditure,
e- Certification for earnings exempt from Corporate Tax,
f- Services for the approval of Customs Declarations and Importer Information Form,/h5>
g- Certification of the account status documents given for the letters of credit and guarantees
h- Certification for the closing of the Inward Processing Permit and Investment Incentive Certificate,
i- Special audit and special purpose report services
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